Don’t let stressful, negative thoughts hijack your happiness! When the National Safety Council reports that as much as 80% of all disease and illness is initiated and aggravated by stress, it may make you take stress reduction more seriously. But where does stress really begin? Unless we catch it
Like most people, you may not wonder why almost all psychiatrists never look at the organ they treat. But one man has. He’s Daniel G. Amen MD, clinical neuroscientist, board certified psychiatrist, brain imaging expert, nine-time New York Times best-selling author and founder of the Amen Clinics.
Want to know the real secret to achieving the body you desire? Of course you do! The great news is that it is not a diet or new workout or any kind of quick fix. It’s actually all in your head! (Well…brain, to be exact.) It’s really simple. Your brain is the command and control […]
Do you want to know the real secret to looking your best, feeling your best and doing your best thinking? Of course you do! It’s simple: Give your brain high quality nutrition. Health always starts with the brain. When your brain works right, you work right. And when your brain is in trouble, you
When you take care of your Brain you are able to make better decisions like taking care of your Heart. Time to take care of your heart. Not only is February a perfect month to show love to our Valentine, it coincides perfectly with American Heart Month. This is a time to show love for […]
Do you crave one excitement after the other throughout your day? If so, you might want to consider your brain’s pleasure centers. To keep cravings in check, it’s very important to be sure your pleasure centers are healthy and balanced. Clinical neuroscientist, board-certified psychiatrist, New Y
Have you ever wondered why women talk more than men and seem to remember every mistake their man makes? Or why men often need constant reminders to do a simple task? Common relationship frustrations like these may boil down to simple biology – brain biology, that is. The truth is that your brain
Valentine’s Day is a time to Focus on Love and Nourishment. This year reframe Valentine’s Day and make it about Loving and Nourishing Yourself. Be Your Own Valentine. Take this time to Treat Yourself with calming, healthy and relaxing acts. Make this a sweet but sugar free Holiday! As yo
Eat Great Brain Foods Foods that contain high amounts of antioxidants help your body and brain stay young. Several studies have found that eating food rich in antioxidants, which include many fruits and vegetables, significantly reduces the risk of developing cognitive impairment. Eat fruits and veg
Everyone wants to know how to improve their love life, right? Of course! Especially during this time of year when our Valentines hearts soar. So why is it so tough to make that desire a reality? For starters, most of us don’t realize how much the brain influences our love life. But it’s true! A