What you eat first thing in the morning sets the tone for your entire day. Eating a nutritious breakfast is associated with better cognitive function, mood, blood sugar maintenance, heart health, and quality of life. When people skip breakfast – or worse – eat an unhealthy breakfast high in fats
No Sugar Added vs Sugar-Free: What to Look for On a Food Label
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Nicole Avena
Though you may be aware of the dangers of sugar, getting it out of your diet can be a challenge. One reason is that many types of sugar are hidden on food labels. Avoid Hidden Sugars Even if you aren’t adding sugar to the foods and beverages you enjoy, you still may be consuming sugars […]
At certain moments, even the healthiest eater may have an overwhelming desire for a particular food – usually something high in sugar, carbohydrates, salt and/or fat. Many people experience food cravings; however, women appear to have them more often. A survey of 1,000 college students showed that
When college students take the summer off from their rigorous academic workload, the brain gets a much-needed rest – but it also may lose a bit of its sharpness. Indeed, there’s a phenomenon known as the summer “brain drain” where students lose some of what they learned during the academic y
CAS BioSciences – our partner in developing Vegan Omega-3 Power – is the gold-standard manufacturer globally for first-in-class and best-in-class botanically derived and omega-3 lipid-derived ingredients. Their research and product development teams are responsible for the development of close
Perhaps you’ve heard of the essential vitamin folate (aka vitamin B9). But what’s the difference between folate and methylfolate? And what’s folic acid? It can be a bit confusing, so let’s unpack each of these and see how they relate to each other. What’s the Difference Between Folate, Fol
Getting enough healthy fats in your diet can have lasting benefits for your health. One of the best sources of healthy fats is omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 Basics Omega-3s are vital for our nerve cells and other brain cells to make and maintain the trillions of connections that our brain uses for in
It may seem like a new fad, but apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been valued as a health remedy for millennia. The Babylonians made vinegars for culinary and healing purposes up until the 6th Century B.C. Greek physician Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, documented the use of ACV in combi
In our fast-paced world, many of us are looking for ways to increase our energy. Unfortunately, when we’re exhausted, we often turn to things that give us a momentary boost in energy but end up leaving us even more depleted. These can include a sweet treat, cup of coffee, or caffeine-filled, sug