Like it or not, winter is here. For some people, this season is filled with enjoyable things, like: crisper air, snowy vistas and winter sports. But for others, the colder months represent a downturn in mood and energy that leaves them feeling sad, lethargic, and fatigued. Some refer to this as the
To be your best, you need your brain to be its best. When your brain works right, you tend to be effective, thoughtful, creative and energetic. But when your brain function is out of balance, you may have problems with mood, stress, impulsivity, anger, inflexibility, memory, work performance, and yo
Do you ever feel sad or irritable for no reason? Do you tend to worry or have occasional anxious thoughts? To a large extent, your mental state is affected by your brain chemistry. The brain uses various messenger substances (neurotransmitters) to regulate mood, behavior, and other mental functions.
Now that we’re well into the year, how are you doing with your goals? Do you feel like you need to refocus and commit to your goals? It’s natural for motivation to wane if you’ve been busy and haven’t had a chance to really focus on you. However, that doesn’t mean you have to ditch
Among the many responsibilities, parents have, making sure their kids are healthy is one of the most important. This is especially true as we enter the darker months when keeping kids healthy during the cold/flu season can be extremely challenging. With so many things to be mindful of during this he
In a fascinating and much-discussed article that appeared in the December 18, 2004, issue of the British Medical Journal, scientists examined all the research on foods and health to see if they could put together the theoretically ideal meal that, if you ate it every day, would significantly reduce
With prices increasing for nearly everything, many people are looking for ways to cut costs. Perhaps you’ve already taken some steps to reduce your expenses, such as buying in bulk or getting rid of cable. Or maybe you need some help with generating cost-saving ideas. Either way, here are just a f
Do you often forget where you left your car keys? Do you struggle to remember words, faces, names or numbers? Maybe you’re finding it more and more difficult to keep up with conversations, or you’ve forgotten important appointments. If one or more of the above examples applies to you, a child, a
Are you prepared for cold and flu season? Though there’s no guaranteed way to avoid getting sick during the winter months, supporting your immune system is a great place to start. Boost your immunity this winter and fight colds and flus with these healthy strategies… 10 Natural Ways to Avoid Col
All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz Chocolate lovers rejoice! Studies have shown that dark chocolate is actually good for your brain. Healthy Chocolate? Turns out chocolate, in its natural form, isn’t bad for you. In fact, there are ma