As we prepare to honor those who’ve selflessly served our country this Veterans Day, it’s important to recognize the toll such service can take on the individual. In this artic
Arguments can be emotionally and mentally draining. They can lead to increased stress, hurt feelings, and broken relationships. So, what can you do when a conversation starts to ge
Your brain is the hardware of your soul. You cannot be who you really want to be unless your brain is working right.” – Daniel G. Amen, M.D. Your brain is involved in ev
The Focus Struggle Are you easily distracted when driving? Do you struggle to pay attention to boring tasks? Do you generally have problems focusing, or know someone who does? If s
Most of the healthy habits that keep your brain healthy also keep your heart healthy – and the Amen Clinic has been saying that for years. Now, Boston University Medical Center i
Your Brain is Elegant and Complicated Your brain is one of the most complicated machines in the world. It works through many different mechanisms, and it’s because of this di
Is Bad Memory Due to Genetics? Can it be Fixed? No one quite knows how memory works, and although researchers are getting closer to figuring it out, there is conclusive evidence th
Your brain is the most complex organ in the universe. It weighs about three pounds, or roughly 2 percent of your body’s weight, and yet it uses 20-30 percent of the calories you
Under today’s intense pressures, we must actively work to conserve and improve our mental functions. The fast-growing body of neuroscience research proves that the human brain is