You’re watching television late at night when your stomach growls and you head to the kitchen to rummage for a salty, fatty, or sweet snack. You return and begin to munch while y
At certain moments, even the healthiest eater may have an overwhelming desire for a particular food – usually something high in sugar, carbohydrates, salt and/or fat. Many people
Many are aware that the food industry works overtime to make unhealthy products irresistible to consumers. Marketing or Brainwashing? Consider the slogans on food packaging
Here Are Some of the Best Ways to Outsmart Your Sugar Cravings
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Nicole Avena
There’s mounting evidence that sugar can be toxic…even lethal. It can lead to many physical and mental problems and can act like a drug in the brain. When you consume sugar, it
Effects of Caffeine on Your Brain: Truths & Myths It suddenly seems as though there’s a new coffee shop on every corner, selling highly caffeinated drinks packed with sugars
12 Best Foods for Your Brain Health Taking care of your brain may be as simple as eating the right foods, and consuming proper amounts of vitamins and other nutrients to support yo
Protein is an Essential Building Block Our bodies are incredibly efficient machines, performing thousands of functions each day without requiring any awareness on your part. When
Going vegan, the Cabbage Soup Diet, a Paleo Diet, the Mediterranean Diet… We have all been there. You spend hours or even days trying to decide if or when you should start that d
Is Bad Memory Due to Genetics? Can it be Fixed? No one quite knows how memory works, and although researchers are getting closer to figuring it out, there is conclusive evidence th