Have you ever considered your exposure to toxic chemicals in feminine hygiene products? Protecting your health from everyday chemicals can seem like a never-ending feat. But this i
Winter is here! Unfortunately, that means it’s also cold and flu season. As the days continue to get shorter and colder, it’s crucial to fortify yourself against the common ill
Do you think health should be focused more on addressing root causes and healing than treating disease and symptoms with medication? Are you someone who takes a proactive role in y
Are your cosmetics and beauty products filled with toxic chemicals? The Trouble with Toxins Every day, you’re exposed to a host of chemicals in personal products that can poison
If you could take one hour of your time to save lives, would you do it? Well, remarkably, you can! Benefits of Donating Blood By donating one pint of blood, you can save up to thre
Did you know that breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in the world? Earlier this year, the World Health Organization reported for the first time that breast canc
What kind of toothpaste do you use? Too personal? Okay, does your toothpaste have fluoride in it? A debate has been waged for decades over the ostensible benefits of fluorid
Blood Work Basics: What You Need to Know to Improve Your Health
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Parris Kidd
When was the last time you got your blood work done? In the past, some doctors recommended getting blood work done in conjunction with an annual physical. Depending on your genetic
Hormones are often associated with teenage angst and/or female menstrual-related moodiness. Yet, they’re involved in much more than reproductive and sexual maturing processes. Th