Feel Your Best On-the-Go with This 3-in-1 Vitamin Stack!

Are you serious about optimizing your brain and body to feel your best?

If so, in addition to keeping your diet, exercise, and sleep routines on point, vitamin stacking can provide some added turbo power to your game.

Common among fitness gurus, premier athletes, tech execs, and general health enthusiasts who require peak performance physically and mentally, supplement stacking can help amplify health with curated nutrients to attain targeted health goals.

Whatever your health objective may be – whether that’s building muscle, boosting mood, achieving greater energy, or optimizing brain function – it can be supported by creating a “stack” or grouping of clinically studied nutritional supplements.

Here’s how to get started.

How to Create a Vitamin Stack

What might a supplement stack look like?

Let’s imagine, for example, you’re going to be working on a complex, consequential project at work. It will be highly stressful and require a lot of brain power.

Your supplement stack might include a potent antioxidant formula to counter the oxidative stress created by stressful conditions, a vitamin with loads of vitamin C and D to support your immune health, and nutrients known to promote greater blood flow to the brain to help improve your overall cognition and mental focus.

Brain & Body Power: Ultimate 3-in-1 Vitamin Stack!

Brain & Body Power Daily Vitamin Packs | BrainMD

Vitamin Stack 2 Thankfully, you don’t need to have a world-class nutritionist or health coach to help create a vitamin stack for you. BrainMD has a foundational supplement pack called Brain & Body Power to give you a simple, easy, and effective option for beginning vitamin stacking.

Brain & Body Power is designed to support the optimal functioning of your brain and body with a daily vitamin packet that includes three different nutritional supplements.*

So, rather than having to draw from multiple cumbersome supplement bottles, you have all you need in one convenient, ready-to-go packet to take on the run. Plus, by buying the ready-made packets of stacked vitamins, you save money over buying the individual supplements separately!

What’s surprising is just how expertly formulated each supplement is. Only clinically studied ingredients are used and only in highly bioavailable forms.*

With each packet of Brain & Body Power, you get a stack of three nutritional supplements:

  • Brain & Memory Power Boost
  • NeuroVite Plus Multivitamin
  • Omega-3 Power

Let’s look at them individually and the “stacked” benefits they provide.

Brain & Memory Power Boost

This nootropic memory supplement is formulated with researched, brain-boosting herbs and nutraceuticals associated with sharpened memory function, as well as improved mental energy, clarity, and concentration.*

The clinically studied, synergistically blended ingredients in Brain & Memory Power Boost include:

PhosphatidylSerine (PS)

A key phospholipid nutrient, PS is a building block of cell membranes and is present in all your body’s cells, especially in the brain’s nerve cells. PS helps to boost attention, improves your ability to handle stress, and promotes memory recall in older adults.*

Acetylcarnitine (ALC)

An amino acid, this nutrient is important for cellular energy production. ALC supports improved mental power, healthy memory, and lifted mood.*

N-AcetylCysteine (NAC)

NAC provides your brain with antioxidant defense against free radicals.* It also enhances the electrochemical balance within nerve cells and has vasodilating properties (relaxes blood vessels), improving blood flow, which helps boost brain function.*

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

A potent antioxidant, this vitamin-like nutrient is key to blood sugar utilization and cellular energy production.*

Ginkgo Biloba Extract

This plant extract supports greater blood flow to the brain, which helps to optimize your brain function.* It also has a protective antioxidant to help support mental sharpness.*

Huperzine A

Used in traditional Chinese medicine for millennia, this extract from the Huperzia serrata (club moss) plant enhances the actions of the acetylcholine neurotransmitter system, which is linked to behavior and memory.*

NeuroVite Plus

Far surpassing conventional daily multivitamins in both its range and potency of more than 50 nutrients, NeuroVite Plus Multivitamin helps cover all your nutritional bases.*

The high-potency and comprehensiveness of its vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, brain nutrients, and digestive enzymes are exceptional.* Together, they help synergistically nourish all the body’s systems.*

NeuroVite Plus provides 2000 IUs of vitamin D3, a daily value of 250%. This could make a marked difference in mood, energy, and more for the estimated 41% of Americans who are low in vitamin D.*

The formula also includes a wide array of minerals, including lesser known but important minerals such as manganese, chromium, and molybdenum.

Its plentiful phytonutrients have important benefits too. For example, lutein and zeaxanthin support eye health.* Hesperidin helps promote healthy circulation, and resveratrol has heart health benefits.* The supplement’s robust array of antioxidants help protect against oxidative stress.*

NeuroVite Plus’s brain-boosting blend of nutrients offers additional powerful support to optimize and protect your brain function, memory, mood, and focus.*

And lastly, the very careful selection of its ingredients and inclusion of digestive enzymes helps ensure the supplement is well tolerated.*

Omega-3 Power

This remarkable omega-3 supplement provides your body with two of the most potent brain health omega-3s: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) – and lots of them!*

Each serving of Omega-3 Power delivers 1,600 mg of EPA, DHA, and other omega-3s, which is nearly five times greater than most other omega-3 supplements.

What’s more, the omega-3s are offered in a bioavailable triglyceride form for efficient absorption. They’re rigorously screened and tested for 400+ contaminants.

Fat plays a key structural role in your brain cell membranes – and healthy, flexible cell membranes help to optimize cellular function and efficiency. It’s like having the right motor oil in a high-performance car. Omega-3s are the best fats for building these healthy, flexible cell membranes, which is key to many of its brain benefits.*

There’s a large body of research showing links between increased omega-3 concentration in the brain and improved overall brain health, cognitive function, mood, focus, and memory.*

Among many studies, one recent study published in Neurology found better brain structure and cognitive benefits associated with higher levels of EPA and DHA in the brain.* Additionally, EPA supplementation has been shown to support mood and emotional balance in studies.*

But that’s not all. A considerable amount of research suggests EPA and DHA support hearth health in multiple ways, and emerging research shows that these omega-3s may help post-workout recovery due to their anti-inflammatory properties.*

That’s a lot of health benefits!

Stack It with Brain & Body Power

Brain & Body Power is vitamin stacking made easy. You get the multiple benefits of these three powerful nutritional supplements in one simple, money-saving packet.

Try Brain & Body Power today!


At BrainMD, we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality supplements to improve your physical health and overall well-being. For more information about Brain & Body Power and our full list of brain healthy supplements, please visit us at BrainMD.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This content is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical or healthcare advice from a physician, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare provider before beginning a new health regimen.

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