Be Your Own Valentine This Year

Valentine’s Day is a time to Focus on Love and Nourishment. This year reframe Valentine’s Day and make it about Loving and Nourishing Yourself. Be Your Own Valentine.

Take this time to Treat Yourself with calming, healthy and relaxing acts. Make this a sweet but sugar free Holiday!

As you prepare for treating your special Valentine this year focus on treating yourself, AS YOU ARE THE VALENTINE.


  1. Take a bath with spa music and relaxing beeswax candles.
  2. Book a Massage Appointment.
  3. Do a yoga class.
  4. Go for a Hike.
  5. For chocolate: Indulge in one of Dr. Daniel Amen’s Brain in Love Bars. Have some treats without the sugar.
  6. Spend time reading a book.
  7. Buy yourself Flowers. Better yet give back and plant a tree.
  8. Make yourself a beautiful home cooked healthy meal. Treat yourself to a romantic dinner alone.
  9. Take 3 hours to yourself.
  10. Instead of baking heart shaped cookies. Try having heart shaped strawberries and watermelon.
  11. Take a meditation class.
  12. Organize your space and de-clutter your life and mind.

Make this a healthier Valentine’s Day and instead of treating yourself to material items, fancy unhealthy meals, and alcohol, treat yourself with love, peace, kindness, healthy nourishing foods and a calm day.

There is no better way to treat yourself than to feed yourself loving and nourishing foods.

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