Meet Dr. Parris Kidd, Chief Science Officer
Under today’s intense pressures, we must actively work to conserve and improve our mental functions.
The fast-growing body of neuroscience research proves that the human brain is always working to improve itself, and that literally by changing your brain you can change your life. At BrainMD, we’ve dedicated our careers to helping people feel better by creating the highest quality nutritional products for optimizing and balancing brain health.
BrainMD’s supplement products are developed from the published knowledge base of successful clinical trials and other scientific research on the safety and effectiveness of specific nutrients and herbals.
Additionally, BrainMD’s product development team has over 75 years of combined experience in developing dietary supplements that work. Heading up that team with Dr. Amen is BrainMD’s Chief Science Officer and Director of Quality Control, the renowned Dr. Parris Kidd.
Revolutionary Dietary Supplements for the Brain
Dr. Kidd has developed a diverse array of dietary supplements over his career, and since 1994 has specialized in developing dietary supplements for the brain.
A native of Jamaica, Dr. Kidd has been active in integrative medicine for over 30 years. Dr. Kidd earned a B.Sc. with First Class Honors in Zoology at the University of the West Indies, then a Ph.D in cell and developmental biology at the University of California, Berkeley.
Subsequently he pursued an academic career that included teaching developmental biology at Berkeley, doing research and teaching at the University of the Pacific in San Francisco, and research at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center (UCSF).
In 1983, having developed a strong interest in “alternative medicine,” Dr. Kidd began a collaboration with Dr. Stephen Levine (another Berkeley PhD) that resulted in the 500-page book Antioxidant Adaptation — Its Role in Free Radical Pathology.
While developing a thriving consulting practice, beginning in 1994, Dr. Kidd reoriented his focus to specializing in brain nutrients. He was the scientist on the team that brought PS (PhosphatidylSerine) into North America in 1994 and helped launch PS in Europe and Asia. His support also helped popularize GPC (Glycero-Phospho-Choline) beginning in 1997, and Krill Omega-3 Phospholipids in 2003.
Throughout his career, he has developed numerous dietary supplement products, has published extensively on the science behind supplements, and has done hundreds of radio and video features.
Highly respected for his integrity and exemplary contributions to building the scientific knowledge base of nutritional medicine, Dr. Kidd’s continued dedication to the quality and effectiveness of supplemental products lead him to BrainMD. He has championed a quality mindset within the company to ensure the best, most effective products reach our customers.
“Dr. Kidd’s passion for science and for people’s health reflects in his work every day. His heart is driven by a desire to help people live healthier, happier lives; his decisions are driven by the science – what has been shown to make a difference. He, along with Dr. Amen, has a never ending need to help people and to do right by them. It is inspiring to work with someone like that.” – BrainMD
Our Products are Created for People Just Like You
You are important to us and we consider our BrainMD customers part of our family. We want you to be confident with and satisfied by every aspect of doing business with us — from our products and customer service to our one year money back guarantee.
When you feel better and your family is healthier, we know we have done our job well.
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I appreciate the videos that Dr. Kidd and Dr. Amen have done that explain how the supplements help a person. It was through watching the video on the stress relief vitamins that prompted me to buy some. They have certainly helped me remain much more calmer in life. Thank-you.
Why does your only fish oil supplement contain far more epa than dha, especially considering that your top scientist, Dr Parris Kidd, has a clear track record of endorsing DHA only fish oils, or at least ones with a 4-1 ratio to epa? Has his original position changed, and if so, why?
Science is dynamic, not static, and as scientific understanding advances scientists sometimes have to modify their positions. Dr. Kidd’s position on EPA and DHA has now changed due to advances in the clinical and basic scientific research. Though the brain carries predominantly DHA and very little EPA, clinical trial results clearly indicate EPA has benefit for mood and probably other higher brain functions.
At the basic science level, it has become clear that both EPA and DHA, not DHA alone, are required for the brain to make new nerve cells. Dr. Kidd very closely monitors the research on EPA and DHA, and as his understanding changes, his formulation recommendations can also change. BrainMD’s Omega-3 Power has an EPA-DHA ratio that very closely corresponds to the ratio effective in clinical trials.