N-acetyl-cysteine : The Natural Supplement

It’s official—the holiday season has arrived! Yet, for those who suffer from food addiction, ‘tis the season to be on alert. Food triggers are everywhere, often rooted in childhood memories or traditions that come with strong emotional ties. The intense, rich, high-fat and sugary foods of the holidays have the potential to unleash addictive eating. While sticking with brain healthy foods during this time is critical, taking a nutritional supplement that helps support healthy craving levels in the brain could make the difference between failure and success.

In fact, food cravings are more powerful than once thought. Over the past two decades, research has uncovered that it is possible to be dependent on food in the same way it is possible to be dependent on drugs or alcohol. Eating foods high in fat and sugar has been documented to release the same pleasurable chemical — the neurotransmitter dopamine — as using heroin, cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol!

This indicates that substances that have been shown to reduce cravings for drugs and alcohol may also reduce cravings for food.

But there is an amazing natural supplement that can help take the edge off cravings: N-acetyl-cytsteine (NAC).

NAC is an amino acid that is needed to produce glutathione, which is a very powerful antioxidant. NAC binds to and removes dangerous toxic elements within the cells, making it a molecule critical to brain health. The typical adult serving for NAC is 600 to 1,200 mg twice a day to support healthy craving levels.

NAC Combination Formulas

You’ll find that NAC formulas are frequently combined with additional craving-curbing ingredients. These types of formulas are terrific. Look for NAC combination formulas that include either or both of these winning ingredients:

  • L-glutamine. An amino acid that has been shown to stabilize blood sugar and increase insulin levels and action. The typical recommended adult dosage for healthy craving support is 500 to 1,000 mg a day.
  • Chromium (or chromium picolinate). Chromium helps with the regulation of insulin, which enhances its ability to efficiently metabolize glucose and fat. There is a strong link between low moods, decreased insulin sensitivity, and diabetes. The typical recommended adult dosage for healthy craving support is 200 to 600 mcg a day.

Formulas with these ingredients offer a great way to strengthen your commitment to health by helping to keep your brain’s craving center in check.

Wishing you a happy, healthy Thanksgiving and holiday season!


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