5 of the Best Natural Ways to Get Restful Sleep

5 of the Best Natural Ways to Get Restful Sleep

If there was a free and easy way to improve your energy, mood and well-being, would you do it? Would it surprise you to learn that you already do it every night?

Sleep is essential to your overall health and ability to function in life. But are you getting enough sleep? If not, it’s time to focus on your sleep as if it’s one of the most important things in your life…because it is!

The Risks of Sleep Deprivation

According to the Institute of Medicine, (US) Committee on Sleep Medicine and Research, as many as 70 million Americans have ongoing sleeping problems which interfere with their daily routines. Unfortunately, sleep issues are only getting worse with the prevalence of busy schedules, devices, energy drinks, video games and Netflix.

The list of reasons why people pass up a good night’s sleep is extensive. Skimping on sleep can negatively impact your health in more ways than you might imagine. Getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night has been associated with lower overall brain activity, which can adversely affect your:

  • Weight
  • Energy
  • Mood
  • Athletic, school, and job performance
  • And most importantly, decision-making

It should come as no surprise, then, that many sleep-deprived individuals struggle to maintain a healthy mood, memory, and lifestyle. When you miss out on sleep, your brain pays the price.

The good news is that there are many ways to naturally improve the quality of your sleep. Here are just a few…

5 Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep

  1. Write It Down

The process of journaling gives stressful thoughts a place to live other than your brain. Once those concerns have been expressed, they often lose their intensity and urgency, which will allow you to relax mentally. Writing in your journal 10 minutes before you go to bed can help release the stresses of the day and put you in a restful state of mind.

  1. Energizing Exercise

Although not an obvious choice when considering practical sleep aids, vigorous exercise can assist the body in establishing and maintaining a healthy sleep cycle. Physical activity boosts blood flow and with it the delivery of oxygen and other needed nutrients to the brain. It also stimulates neurogenesis, the ability of the brain to generate new brain cells, and neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to adapt to challenges, self-regulate, and calm the body down in preparation for sleep. Helpful tip: since physical exertion late in the evening may energize you and keep you awake, don’t exercise within two hours of the time you go to sleep.

  1. Turn Off the Tech

It’s not unusual for parents to limit their kids’ TV or tablet time to help them calm down before bedtime, so why shouldn’t adults adopt the same rule? Establish a time when all devices in the household will be turned off for the remainder of the evening. It’s also a good idea to remove all electronics from your bedroom since they emit light that can stimulate the brain and keep you awake. A tech-free bedroom can also reduce electromagnetic frequencies, which might also interfere with your sleep. Creating a relaxing environment, free from the distractions of the outside world, may help facilitate better sleep.

  1. Just Breathe

Diaphragmatic breathing is an effective and simple method for overcoming stress and quieting your mind. It’s also ultra-convenient since it can be done anywhere, anytime. When you take shallow breaths, it limits the amount of oxygen that reaches your brain cells and reduces your overall brain function. Taking deep breaths relaxes your muscles, relieves tension, and helps your brain function better. Here’s where you can learn more about the basics of deep breathing.

  1. Get Restful Sleep

If you aren’t getting the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, you’re setting yourself up for a host of issues. When you fall behind on your sleep, blood flow to your brain decreases and you are much more likely to make bad decisions.

Scientists have discovered that the brain has a special waste management system that works to get rid of toxins while you sleep. Without healthy sleep, the cleaning crew doesn’t have enough time to do its job and trash can build up, potentially causing brain fog and memory problems.

BrainMD’s Restful Sleep contains melatonin to help you get to sleep, sleep throughout the night, and wake up feeling rested. It also includes the calming neurotransmitter GABA, as well as magnesium, vitamin B6 and valerian. Together, these nutrients produce a soothing effect that can ease you into a peaceful sleep.

5 Key Ingredients of Restful Sleep

Restful Sleep uses a combination of nutrients that naturally support healthy regulation of your circadian rhythms, which promote quality sleep and reduce daytime fatigue. Restful Sleep’s 5 ingredients can help you fall asleep, stay asleep and enjoy a better quality of sleep:


Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a neurotransmitter produced across the brain to naturally inhibit excessive firing of neurons, resulting in a sense of calm. It supports the body’s other natural mechanisms for quieting the mind and gradually falling asleep.


Sometimes called the relaxation mineral, magnesium is actually profoundly important for practically all the body’s functions. It’s essential for making energy, some of which is necessary to prepare the body for sleep. It plays important roles in muscle relaxation, calming of racing thoughts, and in promoting overall sleep quality.


Melatonin is the main hormone the brain produces to naturally regulate the body’s 24-hour rhythms and sleep/wake cycle. Staying up too late, working swing or graveyard shifts, traveling through time zones, taking certain medications, and the aging process itself, all can affect melatonin production and wreak havoc on your sleep. Melatonin is central to all the body’s mechanisms for promoting restful sleep and healthy sleep patterns.


For centuries, the herb valerian has been used for its calming and sleep-inducing properties. Valerian may work through the GABA receptors, which calm brain activity when activated. It supports deep, restful, quality sleep.

Vitamin B6

Also known as pyridoxine and pyridoxal-5-phosphate, vitamin B6 helps with the production of neurotransmitters (serotonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and GABA), which need to be balanced for healthy sleep. It helps promote relaxation and enhances your mood.

Restful Sleep FAQ

How do I take Restful Sleep?

Start by taking one capsule 60 minutes prior to your desired bedtime, and if you’re not feeling drowsy after 30 minutes, take another one. A few individuals may find they need a third or even fourth capsule each night. If you think you might benefit from an even higher intake, consult a nutritionally informed physician.

Will Restful Sleep make me feel groggy the next day?

No. Restful Sleep is specially formulated to be safe and non-habit-forming. It won’t make you wake up drowsy or irritable the next day. Instead, you’ll feel awake and refreshed.

Will Restful Sleep work for children?

Children aged 4 and older can benefit from this supplement. Start with one capsule then gradually increase, if necessary, up to a maximum of 4 caps per day.

Can I take Restful Sleep if I’m nursing or pregnant?

Restful Sleep isn’t recommended for women who are nursing or pregnant.

What Others Are Saying

Works Great

“I have trouble sleeping for a variety of reasons, but whenever I take this supplement I fall asleep easily with no groggy feeling the next morning.” -Jill

Great Sleep Aid

“I can sleep better than I have for many years. Prior to learning about Restful Sleep, I always woke up at night – and then had trouble falling asleep. Now, if I do wake up, I fall back asleep pretty quickly.” -David

Restful Sleep has helped countless people get peaceful, quality rest and may be able to help you too. For more information about Restful Sleep and our full catalog of brain healthy supplements, please visit the online store at BrainMD.

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