10 of the Best Gifts You Can Give Yourself This Holiday
The holiday season is upon us. How are you doing with your holiday shopping?
As you survey your shopping list, you probably see lots of items for friends, family and coworkers. But does the list contain the ultimate gift…one you can even give yourself?
The Gift of Wellness
Can you put a price tag on health?
Sadly, most Americans don’t place a premium on health until it’s jeopardized. Other than exercise equipment or a gym membership for the New Year, most people spend relatively little on their health during the holidays.
So, how can you invest in your health during one of the busiest times of the year? It might surprise you to learn that there are many things you can do each day to improve your well-being. It also might surprise you that many of them are absolutely free!
There are plenty of ways to promote brain and body wellness during the holiday season. Here are 10 self-care gifts just for you…
10 Gifts to Give Yourself This Holiday Season
1. Daily Journaling
The process of journaling gives stressful thoughts a place to live other than your brain. Once those concerns have been expressed, they often lose their intensity and urgency, which will help you to relax mentally. Writing in your journal 10 minutes before you go to bed can help relieve the stresses of the day and put you in a restful state of mind.
2. Quality Sleep
Many people sacrifice quality sleep to keep up with the increased demands of the stressful holiday season. Lack of sleep often leads to illness, which makes it that much harder to accomplish everything on your to-do list. To ensure that you have the energy you need to get the most out of the holiday season, it’s recommended that you get 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
3. Physical Activity
Instead of wasting the holidays watching TV or playing video games, get outside for some exercise. Take a jog or long brisk walk (always test the surface before departing). Exercise increases blood flow to all parts of the body, including the brain. It’s recommended to get 30 to 45 minutes of exercise daily.
4. Happy Tunes
Remaining in a blissful state of mind is easier to accomplish when you have a happy tune running through your head. Listen to brain-boosting music specifically composed to enhance mood, gratitude, energy, focus, motivation, and inspiration.
5. Grateful State
Did you know that practicing gratitude causes real changes in your brain that can improve brain function and make you feel better? Research has demonstrated that people who express gratitude on a regular basis are healthier, more optimistic, make more progress toward their goals, and have a greater sense of well-being.
Here’s an exercise: write down five things you’re grateful for every day. Then, experience the joy that gratitude can bring.
6. Just Say No
Experts say that the holidays can make people feel out of control – at the mercy of traditions or expectations. But you can take control of the holidays by not allowing them to control you. Say “no” to events and activities that aren’t important to you. If what you’re doing is causing holiday stress, it’s time to do something different.
7. Deep Breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing is an effective and simple method for overcoming stress and quieting your mind. It’s also ultra-convenient since it can be done anywhere, anytime. When you take shallow breaths, it limits the amount of oxygen that reaches your brain cells and reduces your overall brain function. Taking deep breaths relaxes your muscles, relieves tension, and helps your brain function better.
8. Pamper Yourself
All of us need time to recharge our batteries and self-care is often the best thing you can do to improve your well-being. If you typically feel down or get stressed out during the winter months, look for ways to pamper yourself.
Getting a massage can do more than just improve your physical function. Clinical studies indicate that a massage is beneficial for improving mood and coping with stress. Massages can help to reduce the stress hormone cortisol and increase the activity of such positive mood neurotransmitters as dopamine and serotonin.
9. Ask for Help
You don’t have to do everything yourself – you can share your to-do list with others. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. Share tasks with friends and family in preparing the holiday meal, shopping, cleaning and decorating. You don’t have to be the hero of the holiday season.
10. Stay Connected
Social connections are incredibly important to your overall well-being. Spending time in a community of like-minded people is a wonderful way to boost your bliss hormones, such as oxytocin. Since the health habits of the people you spend time with can have a dramatic impact on your own health, surround yourself with people who are happy, upbeat, and kind.
Also, for personal growth, you need people in your life who will push, teach, and guide you. Focusing your energy on positive people can affect your everyday life and longevity.
Adopting these self-care strategies can help brighten your outlook during the holiday season.
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