Some of the Best Positive Affirmations to Think Throughout Your Day
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Nicole Avena

You’ve probably heard the expression “always take care of number one.”

Although that saying might not be the best advice in business, team sports, relationships, or many other areas of life, it definitely applies to your personal health.

How you treat your brain and body may well determine your ability to function in an increasingly stressful world. A great way to improve your wellness is to adopt self-care practices.

Self-Care Basics

Consistent self-care can pay huge dividends for the health of your brain and body in the future. These habits include:

  • energizing exercise
  • maintaining a healthy diet
  • meditating (yoga, tai chi, and other mindfulness practices)
  • getting good sleep
  • challenging negative thoughts

Negative Thoughts

It’s common for people to believe things about themselves that just aren’t true. The trouble with negative thinking is that it can distort perceptions of reality. When left unchecked, these negative thoughts can create serious self-esteem and mood problems.

Have you ever had a limiting belief such as, “I’ll never be good enough?” When these thoughts occur, challenge them with questions like, “Is that really true?” Talking back to negative thoughts can help you retrain your brain, which will allow you to focus on the positive and leave the past where it is.

An effective strategy for overcoming negative thoughts is to focus on positive, life-affirming thoughts. Here are some of the best ways to do that every day…

3 Tips for Maintaining Positive Thoughts Throughout Your Day

Positive Affirmations 2 1. Start on a Positive Note

An effective routine is to begin each morning by saying something like, “Today is going to be a great day!” Such a simple sentence can cause your brain to look for ways to fulfill that affirmative statement. It also establishes a healthy thought pattern you can continue throughout the day.

Focusing on positive thoughts helps your brain discover ways to turn them into reality. This easy strategy can make a significant difference in your life, so do it first thing in the morning to set the tone for your entire day.

2. Clear Your Mind

Clearing your mind and slowing your breathing can help restore inner calm. Taking breaks for meditation and relaxation can provide benefits for both your physical and mental health. Spending just 15 minutes alone, without distractions, may help give you a fresh perspective on life.

Listening to music may increase pleasurable feelings, boost energy, and help with focus and concentration. Remaining in a positive state of mind is easier to accomplish when you have a happy tune running through your head. Listen to brain enhancing music specifically composed to enhance mood, gratitude, motivation, and inspiration.

3. Repeat Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are short phrases that can help you focus on the positive things in life. There are many applications for positive affirmations: you can write them in a journal, read/ponder/internalize them, or, to give the words more power, say them out loud (preferably in a private place).

Though the list of affirmations is extensive, here are just a few that you can use to kickstart your positivity:

Morning Mood-Setters

I’m refreshed and full of energy

I choose to let go of yesterday’s problems and start today fresh

I have everything I need to make today a great day

Today will be the best day of my life

I’m thankful for new opportunities today

I will make a positive difference today

I will accomplish my goals today

I will live today with passion and purpose

Today, I’m going to be my best self

Anytime Affirmations

I’m smart/intelligent

I will be kind to myself

I can make good choices

I’m ready to be positive

I will focus on living in the moment

My life has meaning

I deserve to be happy

I like myself for who I am

I’m grateful for what I have

I won’t live in fear

It’s okay if I make mistakes

I’m healthy and happy

I’m getting better every day

I’m confident/powerful/successful

Next Level Mantras

I spread positivity to everyone I meet

I will use obstacles as motivation to adapt, learn, and grow

I finish what matters and let go of what doesn’t

I’m inspired by my work and inspire others with my work

I’ll make the most of every single moment of my life

I forgive myself and set myself free

I’ve made it through difficult times and will do so again

I have the power to achieve anything I desire

Amazing transformations are taking place in my life right now

Self, I’m going to make you so proud today

I’m not defined by my past; I’m driven by my future

I’m an unstoppable force of nature

Happiness is a choice, and today I choose to be happy

Release the Positivity

Your daily health routine is one of the best things you can do to support your overall wellness.

One of the ways you can practice self-care every day is to regain control of your thoughts with the help of positive affirmations. With practice, your thinking can become more positive, which can help improve your mental and emotional health.

Try these powerful affirmations to decrease negativity and release positivity in your life today!

At BrainMD, we’re dedicated to providing the highest purity nutrients to improve your physical health and overall well-being. For more information about our full list of brain healthy supplements, please visit us at BrainMD.

Keith Rowe
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Thank you for reminding us of the importance of positive thinking, and strategies to do just that.