[MP3] Change Your Brain, Change Your Relationships

Retail Value: $14.95

Your brain is involved in everything you do, especially your relationships. In this audio program, relationship expert and psychologist Earl Henslin teams up with psychiatrist and neuroscientist Daniel Amen to explore how the brain both helps and hurts your love life.

Your brain is involved in everything you do, especially your relationships. In this audio program, relationship expert and psychologist Earl Henslin teams up with psychiatrist and neuroscientist Daniel Amen to explore how the brain both helps and hurts your love life. They explore how different brain systems impact behavior and how certain problems such as mood disorders, anxiety, and ADD impact relationships. The program is filled with practical tips on how to optimize brain function and enhance your intimate relationships.

Change Your Brain, Change Your Relationships

Audio Lecture Series - 3 part set, total runtime: over 2 ½ hours

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