[MP3] Healing From Brain Injuries

Retail Value: $5.95

In this interview with Mike Marino, Dr. Daniel Amen talks about how to avoid brain injury and what to do if you’ve had one. This is a must-listen for any parent or anyone who has had even minor trauma to their head.

Brain injury can happen to anyone and in more ways than you’d think possible. In this interview with Mike Marino, Dr. Daniel Amen walks us through a look at how brain injuries can occur – many times from activities most of us view as harmless. He also talks about how to avoid injury and what to do if you’ve had one. You’ll discover that the brain has a marvelous capacity to heal if you treat it well. The brain affects everything you do and decreasing your chance of injury is a major step toward a happy fulfilling life. This is a must-listen for any parent or anyone who has had even minor trauma to their head, like a car or bike accident.

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