[DVD] Magnificent Mind at Any Age

Retail Value: $49.95
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Magnificent Mind at Any Age inspires viewers to explore the many natural ways they, their family and friends, can boost their brainpower, attack common brain illnesses like ADD, anxiety and depression, and increase their chances for long-term brain health.

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life has already helped tens of thousands of Public Television viewers to embrace a brain healthy life. Magnificent Mind at Any Age is the anticipated follow-up that inspires viewers to explore the many natural ways they, their family and friends, can boost their brainpower, attack common brain illnesses like ADD, anxiety and depression, and increase their chances for long-term brain health.

This DVD plus bonus materials contains an extended version of the program that includes 6 additional stories. Plus, there is an extensive question and answer session with the audience. Some of the questions include:

  • What are the effects of general anesthesia on the brain and what can I do to get my memory back?
  • How realistic is it to heal illnesses with just positive thinking?
  • What advice can you give an immediate family member of someone who just died of Alzheimer’s disease?
  • What is the effect of stress and emotional trauma on the brain?
  • Do people with healthier spiritual practices have a healthier brain?
Running Time: approximately 2 hours

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