Questionnaire - Unleash the Power of the Female Brain

Retail Value: $49.95
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How can you tell about your brain without doing a scan? For many years Dr. Amen has been aware that most people will not be able to get their brains scanned, either because they are not near one of his clinics or because of the cost. Based on over 80,000 brain scans, Dr. Amen developed a wonderful set of tools and questionnaires to help females know how their own brain functions.

How can you tell about your brain without doing a scan? For many years Dr. Amen has been aware that most people will not be able to get their brains scanned, either because they are not near one of his clinics or because of the cost. Based on over 80,000 brain scans, Dr. Amen developed a wonderful set of tools and questionnaires to help females know how their own brain functions. Because not everyone is insightful into their own behavior, he also encourages people who care about you to fill it out on you as well.

The questionnaires will only take about 30 minutes to complete and they will help you understand the health of your brain and hormones and specifically what you can do to optimize them.

Of course, you should talk with your doctor, but these tools and questionnaires will give you a great start to understanding your brain and give you specific steps to help it be healthier.


  1. Unleash the Power of the Female Brain Master Questionnaire with Answer Key
  2. Amen Clinics Hormone Questionnaire

You can also give the questionnaires to all of your girlfriends and female family members.