How to Have Better Balance in Your Life To be your best, you need your brain to be its best. When your brain works right, you tend to be effective, thoughtful, creative and energetic. But when your brain function is out of balance, you may have problems with mood, stress, impulsivity, anger, inflexi
The Best Ways to Stay Calm Every Day Do you ever feel sad or irritable for no reason? Do you tend to worry or have persistent anxious thoughts? To a large extent, your mental state is affected by your brain chemistry. The brain uses various messenger substances (neurotransmitters) to regulate mood,
Calm Your Mind & Achieve Restful Sleep As many as 70 million Americans have ongoing sleep problems. The list of reasons why people miss out on a good night’s sleep is extensive. So, what keeps you up at night? Do you tend to ruminate over mistakes, grievances or unfinished projects? Do you ant
3 of the Best Ways to Get Quality Sleep There’s a prevailing mindset among workaholic Americans that it’s socially acceptable to be sleep deprived. Many participate in work binges and settle for 4 to 5 hours of sleep per night, which simply isn’t an adequate amount of rest. According to the In
“It’s a jungle out there Poison in the very air we breathe Do you know what’s in the water that you drink? Well I do, and it’s amazing.” Theme song from Monk, written by Randy Newman Intended as an amusing introduction to the TV show’s title character, the obsessive-compulsive det
We Want to Help You Have a Healthy Pregnancy From the moment you learn you’re pregnant, one question that will remain at the forefront of your mind is: What can I do to make sure my baby is healthy? There are so many things that go into carrying a healthy baby to full term, and […]
3 of the Best Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep Sleep is essential to your overall health and ability to function in life. But are you getting enough sleep? If not, it’s time to focus on sleep as if it’s one of the most important things in your life…because it is! If you […]