One of our greatest resources is energy. When fatigued, we’re less powerful in our lives and don’t have the energy to do the things we need, or want, to do. Unfortunately, when we’re tired, we often do things that give us momentary energy, but end up leaving us even more depleted. Who hasn’t
Why You May Be Ready for a Digital Detox While technology has improved our lives in countless ways, it has also presented many unique challenges. Due to the prevalence of digital devices, people today have grown accustomed to using social media to stay connected with the world. However, overdependen
10 Healthy Ways to Celebrate Labor Day Traditionally, the Labor Day weekend is a much-needed break when you can spend some quality time with friends and family. Due to the assemblage and distancing guidelines necessitated by the global health crisis, Labor Day celebrations will be quite a bit
Attention issues remain one of the most misunderstood and incorrectly treated cognitive and behavioral problems today. This has given rise to many myths about attention issues and the behavioral and learning problems often associated with them. Knowing the facts about this common condition is
When considering ways to improve the overall health of our brain and body, we tend to focus on getting consistent exercise, achieving restful sleep, and eating a healthy diet (accompanied with quality nutritional supplements). But what about thoughts? It’s estimated that 60,000 thoughts run
Did you know that the adult brain loses an average of 85,000 neurons every day? In early childhood, the brain is very active, growing new neurons and developing new connections between synapses. Older adults have significantly less activity in the brain. As we get older, our muscles tend to a
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines stress as “a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation.” The “tension” caused by stress can serve a purpose. At times, our body needs a certain amount of tension to help us m
Do you get enough fish in your diet? (If you don’t enjoy the taste of fish, keep reading for a healthy alternative to eating fish). 4 Major Benefits of Eating Fish There are many evidence-based reasons to eat a diet rich in fish. One reason is that fish supply high-quality protein and many
What Distracts Us Most? How to Improve Focus and Concentration Having the ability to stay focused on the task at hand is nearly a superpower in today’s world. Think about all the distractions we encounter from our digital devices alone: multiple social media apps with direct messaging and a