Gardening is much more than just growing plants. It’s a way to cultivate joy, improve your health, and enhance your well-being! Picture this: You start with a tiny seed that you can hold in between your fingers. Then you search to find the perfect spot outdoors, prepare the earth, and bury the see
Do you struggle to keep up with daily tasks due to low energy levels? Fatigue is a common issue that can impact your quality of life and productivity. But with the right vitamins and nutrients, you can support your energy levels and combat fatigue. So, let’s dive in and discover how specific vitam
When springtime rolls around, do you find yourself with a sudden urge to reorganize, clear out, and tidy up? I know I do—and, it turns out, there are concrete mental health benefits to doing so. You might assume that spring cleaning is a relatively new phenomenon, but it’s actually been a tradit
For Mother’s Day, here are some of the ideas, tips, and advice that have helped me as a mom. Some of these things I’ve learned through experience, but many of them have been taught to me by other mothers in my life. I have found that mothers are among the first to lift, love, and […]
Mood disorders affect millions of people worldwide, impacting their quality of life and overall well-being. While factors like genetics and environment can play a role in mood regulation, emerging research highlights the significant influence nutrient deficiencies, neurotransmitter imbalances, and g
As we age, taking care of our brains is just as important as taking care of our bodies. From lifestyle changes to cognitive exercises, here are some key strategies for promoting healthy brain aging and preventing brain atrophy. What Is Brain Atrophy? Brain atrophy, also known as cerebral or brain sh
Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is a specialized type of imaging technology that produces detailed, three-dimensional X-ray images of the body. In chiropractic care, CBCT is a valuable tool for identifying spinal misalignments and assessing their severity in the neck. Here some of the top reaso