5 Tips for Working Out in the Winter & How to Stay Consistent
Scientifically Reviewed by Nicole Avena, PhD.

Don’t let your exercise routines fall by the wayside this winter! With the onset of colder weather and shorter days, fitting in a good workout might feel harder. But, don’t worry, we have the best tips to help you keep working out all winter long.

Movement and Mood

Research has shown that being active can have an immediate positive impact on your mood through the release of endorphins. Working out can reduce stress and increase the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, lessening the symptoms of low mood and feelings of anxiousness.

With a decrease in daylight hours and less exposure to vitamin D, this time of year can also bring on low moods, also known as the winter blues. Working out is a tool that can help fight those pesky winter blues.

Focusing on the connection between exercise and mental health can help keep you motivated to workout. When you exercise you may feel happier, more optimistic, less stressed, and more relaxed.

Exercise and Brain Health

Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, delivering oxygen and nutrients that enhance brain function, including improving your memory, focus, and concentration. Neuroplasticity, the ability of your brain to adapt and make new connections, is also linked to exercise.

Additionally, exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of developing certain brain-related conditions and can protect against cognitive decline.

5 Simple & Effective Tips for Working Out in the Winter

5 Tips for Working Out in Winter | How to Stay Consistent | BrainMD

 1. Do Something You Love

If you’re struggling to get started or to stick with an exercise routine, focus on this important tip. Choose a form of exercise that you enjoy and will look forward to. This may take some trial and error, or a shift in thinking.

Consider trying a new form of exercise. Participate in a sport, or explore new places when walking or jogging. Joining a fun exercise class might be just the thing for you. Or, maybe try some quiet yoga in the comfort of your own home.

When you can view your exercise as more than just another workout, but also as a fun activity that you look forward to, you’ll be more likely to stick with it and enjoy the benefits physical activity will bring.

 2. Do Workouts with a Partner

Not only does exercising with a partner or friend often make it more fun, but it also increases your likelihood that you won’t skip a workout. Having a workout partner helps keep you accountable.

Another bonus of working out with a friend is that you’ll likely work harder and go for longer than you would alone. You could even think outside the box and have a virtual partner if your workout partner doesn’t live close by. So go ahead and ask your friends or family to join you. You never know, they might be looking for a partner to workout with too.

 3. Try Indoor Exercises

Flexibility is key when trying to stick with working out in the winter. Accepting that the weather is out of your control will do wonders for your mindset when you must make a change in plans.

Look for alternative workouts that can be done indoors ahead of time. There are many online videos and tutorials that work well for working out in small spaces. Also, consider taking advantage of a local gym or community center.

 4. Make a Plan Ahead of Time

Do you have a specific time of day planned for your workout? Scheduling your workouts is a simple and effective way to help make them happen. You might consider tying your exercise to another activity. For example, take a walk after cleaning up dinner, or do your workout immediately after dropping the kids off at school.

When it comes time for your scheduled workout, do you have a plan for what you’re going to do? It will make things a lot easier if you have specific exercises picked out ahead of time, whether it’s bookmarking a workout video or writing down a sequence of exercise movements.

 5. Wear the Right Gear

Most of us can relate to being in a situation without the right gear or clothing and not having a great workout experience because of that. The same goes for working out in the winter, particularly when you are exercising outside. Be prepared with the right gear to have a great outdoor workout.

Remember these winter-weather tips for outdoor exercising:

  • Layer-up to stay comfortable as you progress through your workout or if weather conditions change.
  • Remember to protect your fingers and ears. You might be tempted to just grab a jacket or coat and call it good, but don’t overlook your mittens/gloves and a hat.
  • Wear sunscreen. Summer isn’t the only time that you can get sunburned. If you’re heading outside on a sunny winter day, it’s important to protect your skin too.

How to Stay Consistent with Exercising

Sticking to your workout plans can be challenging any time of year. But, when it’s colder and darker, you may feel even less inclined to get up, get out, and put in the work.

Here are some thoughts to help you stay consistent with working out in the winter:

  • If you miss a workout, it’s ok! It’s not all-or-nothing.
  • You might think that if you don’t meet your fitness goals 100% of the time, you’ve failed. You haven’t. Take the pressure off yourself. Keep trying!
  • Don’t use the weather as an excuse that gets in between you and your fitness goals. There will always be reasons not to work out. On the flipside, there will always be reasons to just do it. Weather doesn’t have to be a reason that you can’t work out. Decide that now and choose to be creative if you need to alter your workouts for the weather.
  • Preparation is often the key to success when it comes to working out in the winter.
  • As we’ve talked about above, remember to plan ahead, wear the right clothing, and consider keeping yourself accountable with a workout partner.
  • Be flexible.
  • You are resilient. When the weather isn’t cooperating for an outdoor workout, have an indoor option on-hand. You might also have days when you aren’t feeling well this winter and you need to take a day off to let your body rest, or choose a gentle form of exercise.

Working Out Through All Seasons

Depending on the season of the year or the season of life you’re in, exercise routines might look different. How you work out can change and evolve with the seasons.

Working out in the winter is totally doable with some flexibility, creativity, and persistence. Give yourself the gift of taking care of your mind and body this holiday season by exercising.

You’ve got this!

At BrainMD, we’re dedicated to providing the highest purity nutrients to improve your physical health and overall well-being. For more information about our full list of brain healthy supplements, please visit us at BrainMD.

Scientific References:

  1. Basso, J. C., & Suzuki, W. A. (2017). The Effects of Acute Exercise on Mood, Cognition, Neurophysiology, and Neurochemical Pathways: A Review. Brain plasticity (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 2(2), 127–152. https://doi.org/10.3233/BPL-160040
  2. Drew, E. M., Hanson, B. L., & Huo, K. (2021). Seasonal affective disorder and engagement in physical activities among adults in Alaska. International journal of circumpolar health, 80(1), 1906058. https://doi.org/10.1080/22423982.2021.1906058
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